Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Final Project Ideas

A Line Made By Walking
Richard Long

Spiral Jetty
Robert Smithson

I thought it would be a great effect if I found a grassy area and trimmed the grass to create a spiral. My inspiration was a mix between Richard Long's A Line Made By Walking and Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty. My intention is to make the spiral as big as possible. If I decide to work with this idea I will probably create the spiral in Monroe Park.

I passed by a chopped bush over the weekend and came up with another idea to tie vines that I find with the "trunk" of the bush. I will then tie more vines to the vines that are tied to the bush and intertwine them around an iron fence nearby. I'm hoping I will be able to cover as much as the length of the fence as possible with vines.

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